Friday, March 22, 2019

Ten Things that Make Me Cry

  1. Seeing baby animals killed in wildlife documentaries. I know it's just how nature works sometimes, but dang! Gets me every time.
  2. Hearing from one of my kids that they've been struggling with something and haven't told me about it because they didn't want to "bother" me. Doesn't matter how many times I tell them it's never a "bother"; one of my kids in particular is a suffer-in-silence kind of person, and it tears me up.
  3. Forgetting what my dad's speaking voice sounded like. I can still hear his singing voice, if I concentrate really hard.
  4. Laughing uncontrollably at something my husband or kids have said or done. I live with funny people.
  5. Watching my granddaughter sleep.
  6. Reading about, hearing about, or witnessing someone do a kind, unselfish thing for someone who really needs it.
  7. Throwing up. To say I hate it is a huge understatement. When it happens (rarely, thank goodness), I instantly become five years old again and just want my mommy. 
  8. Feeling misunderstood. Also, feeling understood when I've thought nobody would ever understand.
  9. Reading or watching a great character die. I get emotionally attached, y'all!
  10. Listening to a beautiful piece of music.
How about you? What makes your eyeballs sweat?

is someone chopping onions?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

AFTER LIFE - A Series Review

Ricky Gervais and I have a complicated relationship. Of course, he has no idea of this and doubtlessly wouldn't care. But despite my beefs with some of his tactics and the delivery of some of his opinions, particularly about faith and religion, I think he's--by and large--hilarious. I didn't enjoy his movie, The Invention of Lying, and some of his standup has been "meh," but his series are solid gold (with the exception of An Idiot Abroad, which I found to be pretty obnoxious and downright mean at times). Anyway, all this to say that when I saw he had released a new series on Netflix called After Life, I eagerly hit "play" on episode 1. And I watched all six episodes in a row. Because that's how I roll.

Here's the basic premise: a recent widower named Tony (Gervais) decides after his wife, Lisa, dies that life is no longer worth living. But since he's ruled out suicide as viable choice, he opts to simply be the biggest asshole on the planet, instead. When he's not making his co-workers and everyone else around him miserable, he watches videos his dying wife left for him to remind him of who he was, through her eyes. They're touching and funny and--in light of what the viewer sees of the only Tony we know--poignant and heartbreaking. The people around Tony, however, aren't ready to give up on him like he's given up on life and himself, and their daily interactions with him start to make an impact, bit by bit. It's a surprisingly heartwarming show from the usually crass mind of Gervais, even more so than Derek, in that it relies a lot less on cheap humor and gross-out tactics.

One of my favorite parts of the show was all of the familiar faces from other Gervais productions. Their willingness to be in so many of Gervais's shows leads me to believe he's not as big of a jerk as he'd like the world to believe. Kerry Godliman (Derek) plays Lisa. Ashley Jensen (Extras) plays a nursing home nurse. Other Gervais regulars include Tony Way (Extras) and David Earl (Derek). And then there were the bigger names who signed on and were a delight to see in such a quirky show: Penelope Wilton, David Bradley (Filch, from Harry Potter), and Paul Kaye (Game of Thrones). In fact, like most UK shows I watch, one of the best parts is spotting all of the people you've seen in every other UK production. Actors over there are amazingly diverse and just seem to love to act--no matter what the platform.

So if you're at loose ends and love to cringe-laugh, check out After Life on Netflix. It just premiered March 8, 2019, so it should be available there for a while.

I give it:

two thumbs up

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ten Things that Make Me Happy

Just a quick post/list to get us through the doldrums of mid-week. Here are...


  1. Discovering a new podcast. Nothing fires me up more than finding a new source for learning! My discovery this week:  Happiness Spells. It's completely comprised of lists of things to contemplate, designed to foster a stronger sense of gratitude. They're wonderful!
  2. Bitmojis. They're adorbs. I love them so much! I used this one last night while texting with my sister and telling her how exhausting my Monday was:
    Bitmoji Image
  3. Texting with my siblings. We're kind of all over the place, both geographically (three of us in SW Missouri, one in Illinois, one in Virginia--and sometimes Afghanistan--and one in the UK), so it's always fun to get in touch, even if it's just to say a quick, "I love you."
  4. Murder dramas, documentaries, docudramas, etc. As I said to my kids the other day when they were making fun of me for being so addicted to true crime stuff, "Murder is life." They thought I was being silly, but... I mean it. 
  5. Marking things off my to-do list. So. Satisfying.
  6. Coloring. I'm currently coloring a storybook for my granddaughter. It's fun!
  7. Sparkling water. Yep. I'm one of those people now. I love that it gives me the refreshing bubbles without the sugar. I get sugar in plenty of other places, so don't worry that I'm becoming perfect, or something.
  8. Eucalyptus lotion. Sooooooooooooooooooothing.
  9. Microfleece blankies.
  10. Eavesdropping on my kids and hearing the funny things they say when they think the grownups aren't listening.
What about you? Drop some things in the comments that make you happy lately.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Weird Flex, Dude

Remember humble-bragging? "Ugh.  My kids are involved in so many extracurricular activities!" Translated: "Look how fabulous and accomplished my kids are. I'm exhausted, but I'm such a great parent, I set aside my own needs and live only to serve and chauffeur them."  It's still a thing, but it's so ubiquitous now, we've mostly tuned it out. Just another narcissistic trait we've normalized and adopted into mainstream culture.

Similar to humble-bragging and something creeping more and more into social discourse lately is the "weird flex."

Bitmoji ImageFor those of you not in the know, like I am, because I'm familiar with all of the latest terminology... Hahaha... The beginning of this paragraph is a "weird flex." It's being proud of something that doesn't really justify pride. In other words, who the eff cares that I know rando terms that will be outdated before I can even hit "publish" on this post? But yeah. I'm down. It's really similar to humble-bragging. In fact, there's a lot of overlap in humble-bragging and weird flexing. But while the humble-brag hides the boast in a complaint, the weird flex often pokes fun at people who can't claim the same "talent" or attribute. Here are some common weird flexes, you've probably witnessed in the world (some of which I'm guilty* of saying/doing, I have to admit) .

1. "Well, I know how to drive a standard transmission vehicle." [posts meme laughing at those who never learned]
Good for you! You're old enough that you had to learn the hard way. Congrats on making so many trips around the sun!

2. "Click 'like' if you know what/who this [insert picture of obsolete item or obscure person] is, but don't spoil it in the comments."
Knowing things and withholding opportunities for others to learn is awesome!

3. "We're a non-GMO, non-BPA, no-outside-shoes, all-natural, all-organic, anti-vax, gluten-free, no sugar, no electronics household."
Yay! More cake and wi-fi for the rest of us!

4. "Check out the list of brands/franchises I'm boycotting."*
Oooh! I think you got "Bingo!"

5. "Oh, I don't believe in [name something that has nothing to do with 'belief' or 'disbelief']."
All right. Well... it exists, so... mkay.

6. "I just can't handle peopling. I'm such an introvert!"*
Being anti-social is finally cool!

7. "I never get a flu shot, but it's no biggie. When I do get sick, I never take a sick day."
Gee, thanks. Wanna donate your unused sick days to the rest of us, since we have to use all of ours when you leave your germs on the photocopier?

8. "I only wash my hair once a week."
Thought I smelled something. Oh, my gosh! Something just moved in there!

9. "Last weekend, I got rid of everything in my house that doesn't bring me joy." [Pauses.] "Has anyone seen my husband?"
I've yet to get joy from a roll of toilet paper, but I think I'll hang on to that and a few other things that--while not joyful--do serve important purposes.

10. "I can't tell you the last time I cleaned my house. We just don't bother with housework anymore."*
Right... So... About that invitation to dinner at your place... I don't "believe" in dirty houses. Why don't I pick you up in my stick-shift car, so we can go out for a meal together? Just make sure it's somewhere not on this list... [unrolls boycott list longer than a CVS receipt]. You know what? Never mind. I'm not good at peopling, and we probably won't be able to find a decent non-GMO, gluten-free place. Plus, it's flu season cough, cough; hack, hack, AND it's the night I wash my hair and oil my flugelhorn, which brings me a lot of joy. I'd tell you what that is, but if you don't already know, must not be meant to understand. Probably too young, or something. Anyway...
Bitmoji Image
List some of your "favorite" weird flexes in the comments! Even better if you're guilty of them.

Image result for weird flex

Ten Things that Make Me Cry

Seeing baby animals killed in wildlife documentaries. I know it's just how nature works sometimes, but dang! Gets me every time. Hear...